Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Safe marketing system

                                                           Safe marketing system

 This article is targeted at the general network marketing community. This article is a must read especially if you haven’t break even in your business. After you finish this book, you will be able to:

Understand the typical cash flow to building a network marketing business so you can plan your business long term

• Understand how most people who fail in Network Marketing fail because of lack of cash flow to run their business in the short term

• Reduce overheads so you can break even faster

• Reinvest your profits wisely to power-up your business

• Duplicate these principles to your downline and let your company work for you


                                                   A BUSINESS JUST LIKE ANY OTHER

What is the purpose of starting a business?

 To make profit. Most businesses spend more money than they make that’s why they go belly up.

So why should network marketing be any different?

The common belief is that network marketing is a business that appreciates in value over time. In other words, if I have a group of 100 to 1,000 people under me buying the product and recruiting more, I’d be getting richer and richer! But we all know that.

                                                    THE MINDSET OF A BUSINESS BUILDER


It takes TIME to build a successful business. If you make any money in the first few months (even if it is just a few dollars) it is PERFECTLY NORMAL.

It is MY BUSINESS. Not my uplines business or my downlines business. Everything depends on ME putting effort to succeed.

Don’t use your own money if possible.

Most successful businessmen use other people’s money (borrowed money either from relatives or financial institutions) to build their business.Remember that cash flow is more important than revenue.

                                                        WHAT IS YOUR PROFIT MARGIN?

One of the key strategies to generate more cash flow is relating to your COMPENSATION PLAN.

Different plans may differ from company to company. Some companies may boast of their high payout. They will say something like this:

Our company is the best because we pay out 75% of our commission to all the distributors! It is like saying for every $100 sale; $75 is paid back to our people. You will never fail with this company!

I urge you to make intelligent financial decisions and NOT emotional decisions because responding to emotional appeal can cause a lot of heartaches in the future.

I can’t cover all the mechanics on plans, but it is better to refer to the book series called Show me The Plan!

                                                       CONSISTENT STREAM OF INCOME


A lot of network marketers make a very big mistake in their business. They don’t develop multiple streams of incomes and they rely only on making money through one source which is the company they are in. What do I mean?

Let’s say I am with XYZ Company. I feel that XYZ Company has the best reputation in the world, the best product, the best marketing plan, has helped millions of people in the world with the product and opportunity (you get the idea).

Because I am so engrossed with my company, I refuse to engage other streams of income like buying or endorsing the other products of other companies. Some even go as far as to learn only within their own network marketing community only.

Let me emphasize once again. Network Marketing is a BUSINESS.

                                                       DEVELOPING YOUR OWN SYSTEM

Here are some guidelines I can suggest to you:

Hold local training sessions besides the company’s training sessions online or offline with all your team members

• Educate all the team members about proper cash flow guidelines when building the business. Give everyone free material to review.

• Everyone decide how much effort must be put in, for example, a weekly or monthly target volume to achieve.

• Training sessions on how to use online systems that generate leads or using affiliate websites (if your company sponsors one). You may even work together to create your own team website.

• Buddy system to minimize prospecting costs (like driving to the meetings together or prospecting together)

• Brainstorming ideas on other ways to save costs (for example: joining a phone plan together as mentioned above)

The key point to remember is this:

Everyone must focus on following the same system in your team!

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Safe marketing system

                                                           Safe marketing system  This article is targeted at the general network marketing ...