Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Safe marketing system

                                                           Safe marketing system

 This article is targeted at the general network marketing community. This article is a must read especially if you haven’t break even in your business. After you finish this book, you will be able to:

Understand the typical cash flow to building a network marketing business so you can plan your business long term

• Understand how most people who fail in Network Marketing fail because of lack of cash flow to run their business in the short term

• Reduce overheads so you can break even faster

• Reinvest your profits wisely to power-up your business

• Duplicate these principles to your downline and let your company work for you


                                                   A BUSINESS JUST LIKE ANY OTHER

What is the purpose of starting a business?

 To make profit. Most businesses spend more money than they make that’s why they go belly up.

So why should network marketing be any different?

The common belief is that network marketing is a business that appreciates in value over time. In other words, if I have a group of 100 to 1,000 people under me buying the product and recruiting more, I’d be getting richer and richer! But we all know that.

                                                    THE MINDSET OF A BUSINESS BUILDER


It takes TIME to build a successful business. If you make any money in the first few months (even if it is just a few dollars) it is PERFECTLY NORMAL.

It is MY BUSINESS. Not my uplines business or my downlines business. Everything depends on ME putting effort to succeed.

Don’t use your own money if possible.

Most successful businessmen use other people’s money (borrowed money either from relatives or financial institutions) to build their business.Remember that cash flow is more important than revenue.

                                                        WHAT IS YOUR PROFIT MARGIN?

One of the key strategies to generate more cash flow is relating to your COMPENSATION PLAN.

Different plans may differ from company to company. Some companies may boast of their high payout. They will say something like this:

Our company is the best because we pay out 75% of our commission to all the distributors! It is like saying for every $100 sale; $75 is paid back to our people. You will never fail with this company!

I urge you to make intelligent financial decisions and NOT emotional decisions because responding to emotional appeal can cause a lot of heartaches in the future.

I can’t cover all the mechanics on plans, but it is better to refer to the book series called Show me The Plan!

                                                       CONSISTENT STREAM OF INCOME


A lot of network marketers make a very big mistake in their business. They don’t develop multiple streams of incomes and they rely only on making money through one source which is the company they are in. What do I mean?

Let’s say I am with XYZ Company. I feel that XYZ Company has the best reputation in the world, the best product, the best marketing plan, has helped millions of people in the world with the product and opportunity (you get the idea).

Because I am so engrossed with my company, I refuse to engage other streams of income like buying or endorsing the other products of other companies. Some even go as far as to learn only within their own network marketing community only.

Let me emphasize once again. Network Marketing is a BUSINESS.

                                                       DEVELOPING YOUR OWN SYSTEM

Here are some guidelines I can suggest to you:

Hold local training sessions besides the company’s training sessions online or offline with all your team members

• Educate all the team members about proper cash flow guidelines when building the business. Give everyone free material to review.

• Everyone decide how much effort must be put in, for example, a weekly or monthly target volume to achieve.

• Training sessions on how to use online systems that generate leads or using affiliate websites (if your company sponsors one). You may even work together to create your own team website.

• Buddy system to minimize prospecting costs (like driving to the meetings together or prospecting together)

• Brainstorming ideas on other ways to save costs (for example: joining a phone plan together as mentioned above)

The key point to remember is this:

Everyone must focus on following the same system in your team!

Recurring Income Secrets & Methods

           “Fool Proof Strategies on How to Succeed in  Marketing

                                                       and Build Your Own Cash Pipeline!” 

                                                       Recurring Income Explained                    

   Recurring Income is another term for residual income. In a nutshell, there are

three (3) types of income streams that you may have coming into your business.

1. If you do a one-time job, sale or perform a contract, you get paid once

and the income stops there.

2. If you do a normal 9 to 5 job, you will continue to get paid as long you

continue to work for your employer—often called a linear income. This is

the type of income that the majority of workers “enjoy.” Even if you are a

neurosurgeon, lawyer or engineer, you are only paid as long as you

continue working. You stop working and the bank account dwindles.

3.The third type of income is the recurring income where you are paid

even after you have stopped working. For example, you wrote a book and

as long as your book continues to sell, you will continue to receive royalty

income for a work done once. 

                                         5 Main Reasons Network Marketers Fail

Human beings are complex creatures and so it is always a little risky to make

general statements. Over time, however, a pattern emerges and we can get a

very good idea why so many people start this business and then drop out.

         Mishandling of rejection from close family members and their warm market.

When someone is first introduced to the concept of Network Marketing

they become very motivated—mainly by the income possibilities—to start

recruiting right away. Most companies will teach you to start with a list of

your warm market and work from there. Even though this is a logical route,

rejection from this group can be very discouraging and most people stop

there. This means that the majority of recruits will give up after speaking

with their spouses for example.

Only lately has Network Marketing become recognized as a viable and

respected profession and many are still quick to cry, “Oh! You mean a

pyramid scheme”. This comes because of the negative press that many

famous companies have received and the general misunderstanding of

the public.

                         False expectations for too early results with too little effort.

Depending on the way in which the business is presented, one can get the

impression that there is not much effort involved. I mean, just get two who

gets two and you can become rich. When early recruits realize that

considerable networking and marketing is involved in Network Marketing,

disappointment quickly sets in. There is work involved, and any business

that presents a plan to you and says that you don’t have to do anything is

peddling a lie. All successful network marketers worked for their success.

Many marketers do not factor into their planning the cost of advertising

their business. This cost can eat up a good chunk of your investment

especially when you are just launching. The idea here is that you have to

regard this as a normal business and not just a trial run venture.

                                                             Lack of focus.

Network marketers have gained a reputation of jumping around and

changing companies like they change clothing. At least this applies to

those who flirt with success but never reach it.

As I mentioned before, those who survive the early years normally go on

to do very well. However, there are many people who are looking for the

‘next big thing’ and keep jumping from opportunity to opportunity. This

normally describes the behavior of those in search of the ever evasive

‘ground-floor opportunity’. The rule of thumb here is that you should

establish yourself in one solid company before venturing off into other

companies. And if you do work more than one opportunity, make them

complementary to each other. A perfect example is working a leads

company which you’ll need anyway to feed your primary Network

Marketing company. In fact, if you find any tools that enhances your

business, why not purchase from a company that has a compensation

plan attached?

                                 Failure to work an easy to duplicate recruiting plan.

With the advent of the Internet and all the new communication means that

it affords, Network Marketing has come a long way from the home

meetings and house to house presentations. Doing these presentations

was very intimidating to many people and so the recruiting chain often

broke along the way. The key here is that if the recruiting machine does

not have a system that anyone can comfortably do, it will come to a

screeching halt. Good trainers know that a simple system must be in place

or the trainer’s efforts will not be properly duplicated. If the impression is

given that a recruit must be turned into an instant public speaker, giving

motivational speeches at the local Hilton, they can be easily scared off.

At the same time, you must take the time to learn the system and become

familiar enough with the products that you can tell a friend about its

benefit. As a user yourself, this should not be difficult. A caution here is to

work the system that has been field tested, rather than trying to invent

your own methods. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be innovative,

but there is no use to reinvent the wheel either, so be teachable.

                                           Baby-sitting of down line members.

Teaching is surely a part of the game of building a strong team. Some

marketers make the mistake of doing too much for their down line

members thinking that if they didn’t their recruits will leave. This often

backfires, however, because the down line members become comfortable

and depend too heavily on their up line and never grow strong enough to

build their own teams. There is only so much you can do for someone and

no more. These spoiled over-dependent down line members can become

a liability instead of an asset to your team. So avoid the temptation to

micromanage your team; you’ll get burnt out. Teach your team members

to fish instead of fishing for them.

                                             Secrets of the “Heavy Hitters”

Now we come to the positive side of the equation. Ninety percent of conquering a

problem is to identify the problem. Even addicts have to first agree that they have

a problem before they can be helped. So if we can quickly review the major

reasons why people fail we can just avoid those pitfalls. Let us take a look at

these pointers:

Be prepared to handle rejection

Be realistic in your expectations.

Once you find a reputable company be prepared to stay for the long haul.

Do not make the business more complicated than it needs to be.

Monday, December 12, 2022



                                                                 The Millionaire Mindset

                Learn The Secrets Of The Most Successful Millionaires And Achieve The Life You Desire 

You may wonder what magical powers the rich and wealthy possess? What are their secrets?

The rich think differently. Their millionaire attitude sets them apart. The poor people do not have that kind of mindset that the rich individuals have.

                                                                        The Start Point

You can be successful in your financial and personal life, through being strong willed. Your subconscious mind is very powerful and can influence your conscious mind. It can either make you or break you.

For achieving financial success, you should change your thinking pattern. In addition, for that change you need do as follows:

   Start thinking positively. What you love you begin concentrating on and what you concentrate on you start loving. So concentrate on what you want to be or what you want. Your subconscious mind will help you achieve it.

   Create your own path for success. Trying to follow others will help you to some extent but your goal will not be achieved. You should follow your own voice. 

   If you do not love yourself you will never be rich. Because if you do not feel that you deserve the best, you will not be able to work towards it.

   For achieving success, you should be doing what you love doing. If you are stuck in a job, which you detest, you will not work hard as you do not enjoy it. Even if you spend ten or more hours daily, you will not succeed.

Stop feeling jealous of successful people. Jealousy is a negative emotion and it will only bring negativity in your life. You will be diverted from the path of achieving money and wealth.

  You should not blame others for your failure. Start taking responsibility for whatever happens in your life. As you would like to take credit for your success, learn to accept your failure’s too without pointing fingers at others for the same. It will make you a more responsible person.

Do you want to change your status and want to become wealthy? Bring the above-mentioned changes in your attitude towards life. Prosperity and success will find its way into your life with your positive attitude.

                                                                             Think Big

You will find out about the negative thoughts that do not allow free flow of money into your life and stop you from gaining wealth, with help of the theories that I am going to put forward in this book. It you use them in your life nobody can stop you from being affluent.

You have strong resistance towards money if you are not at ease following any of the few suggestions.

You will have to ask yourself why you are not comfortable carrying out the suggestions, as this will help you come out of the limited thinking beliefs about money.

While going through the steps, you may not be comfortable doing some of them. To get comfortable with those steps keep repeating them until you develop a comfort level. This will help you remove all the restricted thinking you have about money. In addition, you will welcome wealth into your life and get out the no money status in your life.

As you go through the steps, you will find them to be very simple. However, actual implementation may not be that easy if you have strong limiting belief about money. Find out the reasons for such feels and try to eradicate them permanently from your mind.

You too can become rich in your life Follow now

Safe marketing system

                                                           Safe marketing system  This article is targeted at the general network marketing ...